Passive Line pre-amplifier – Passive

SKU PassivePRE Kategoria
Opis produktu

Many sold for all kinds of equipment.

Experience has shown that most modern sources (CD, Tuner, Streamer, DAC, Phono pre-amp etc) have more than enough output to drive most power amps, in which case our “Passive” will prove an excellent alternative. You are welcome to contact us for advice.

  • ALPS Volume Pot
  • Remote Control Option
  • Silver/copper PTFE Wire
  • Gold Terminals
  • Four Inputs
  • Tape Monitor
  • Alloy & Steel Build

An extraordinary simple low cost solution to many pre-amplifier problems. In many situations can sound better than sophisticated alternatives.

Do you need more inputs, volume control and remote control?

If you need any of these the Icon Passive, or Passive R could help.

Our passive preamplifier is ideal for use with most power amplifiers. Many CD/DVD, and other sources etc already have enough voltage to give a good listening level, therefore there is no need for extra amplification. Basically all you need to do is reduce the volume to suitable level. By eliminating the pre-amplifier stage you will get a more “direct”, “truthful” sound, without the noise and colouration of the pre amplifier.

Its beauty is that it has no distortion or noise, therefore does not colour the sound, and the price is very affordable.

This is a very economical way to control your power amplifier, with nothing added.

The Passive is very versatile and can also be used purely as a selector box with the volume on full. Or by providing a monitoring circuit for your recording equipment as well as additional inputs. It is a very useful addition to any hi fi system.

As a general guide it may be used with any power amp or mono blocks with at least 1v sensitivity or greater. This includes the QUAD 303 and all of the Leak valve power amplifiers.

Exactly the same as the “Passive”, the “Passive R” offers exactly the same specification but with the benefit of remote control volume.

This will allow the user to obtain the precise level of sound in his armchair and adjust for differences found in different tracks of your recording.

We have used the same high quality ALPs Blue pot that is in our other remote control amplifiers.

The power comes from a supplied low voltage wall adaptor.

Szczegóły techniczne

Specifications and Features

  • Remote control option
  • Solid anodised alloy and steel construction.
  • Audiophile PTFE silver plated copper cable used throughout
  • All hand wired point to point
  • No printed circuit board to ‘colour’ sound
  • ALPS Blue velvet volume pot.
  • All gold plated high quality terminals
  • High quality selector switch
  • 4 inputs plus “Tape In”
  • Tape monitor circuit
  • Record output
  • Signal to noise level – unmeasurable
  • Freq response – perfect (under optimum conditions)
  • Total harmonic distortion – none
  • Black matt paint finish
  • C E compliant
  • W20, D26, H7cm (8cm remote version), 350g (remember to allow space for connections)

(Specifications subject to change)